Beyond Rg Bio SAXS

Beyond Rg BioSAXS


Next course is scheduled as satellite course for ACA meeting, July 14-17,  2025.  

registration site

Solution small-angle x-ray scattering has earned great popularity and success in biological studies owing to the advances in brilliant x-ray sources, large area detectors, and, more importantly, data analysis methods in the past two decades. The objective of the “Beyond Rg: BioSAXS Short Course" is to raise the awareness and capabilities of the small-angle scattering (SAS) techniques in the structural biology community by providing an intermediate-level course for those in need of a better understanding of bioSAS theory, and techniques and facilities provided at the APS.

This bioSAXS short course will offer an overview of small-angle scattering (SAS, including x-ray and neutron scattering) theory, SAS methods and capabilities for structural biology, and data reduction and analysis tools, to enable the community to submit highly effective beam-time proposals and to facilitate better utilization of the resources at the APS. Although many methods covered in this course were originally developed for biomolecules which are often mono-dispersed, this course may be also useful for those work with solution samples with high structural homogeneity. However, this course is NOT for soft materials that are polydispersed.

Participants are expected to have attained at least a graduate student-level education and are encouraged to have a defined experimental program. Participants must bring their own notebook computers for software practice.

All participants should abide by the ACA Code of Conduct throughout the course. All participants can receive a complimentary ACA membership for the remainder of the year.

    Fundamentals of Small-Angle Scattering
    Small Angle Scattering Instrumentation
    Fundamentals and Theories BioSAXS
    Theories and Applications of BioSANS
    BioSAXS Sample Preparation
    Time-Resolved X-ray Scattering
    Overview of ATSAS software package
    ATSAS Software Practice
    BioXTAS RAW Intro and Practice
    Applying Beamtime at APS

    Jesse Hopkins, BioCAT/IIT
    Jan Ilavsky, XSD/Argonne
    Irina Kosheleva, BioCAR/UChicago
    Shuo Qian, ORNL
    Soenke Seifert, XSD/Argonne
    Max Watkins, BioCAT/IIT
    Steven Weigand, DND-CAT/Northwestern
    Xiaobing Zuo, XSD/Argonne
    and other APS XSD and APS CAT's staff members


Last Webpage update 2/28/2025